About Ting Architects

Ting is a young Czech architectural office, formed by highly skilled and experienced architects, providing architecture, interior design, master and urban planning for both public and private sector.

The founding team of three members – Štěpán Toman, Claudia Schmidt and Daniel Kolský was formed at the beginning of 2011 while each member brought their specific experience into the partnership.

But the three different personalities and different approaches were no limitation. By the contrast, cooperation without tightly defined hierarchy expanded our horizons and motivated us to get the best of each project.

In all, even the smallest, tasks we try to find a challenge and aim for a different, better solution. That is also the why our architecture is bold and distinctive.

The same applies for our projects where you can find solutions of large urban challenges but also detailed design of furniture and utility objects. We are able to work in all the different scopes but also for entirely different clients.

ting tiŋ ] is designation of an assembly – places of meeting, of ideas exchange, places where principal decisions are made.



Architekt – Partner


Authorized architect ČKA 3459

After graduating from Academy of Arts, Architecture & Design in Prague he worked for several years at the London office of KPF, where he participated, among other things, in the Danubee house project in Prague or in high-rise building, Shoreditch High, in London or in the new London headquarters of Unilever. After returning to Prague he worked in the AID architectural studio, where he also worked on the Philharmonic Orchestra and the Congress Center in Zlín or was responsible for the project of the new Faculty of Humanities of the Zlín University. In 2011 he founded the Ting Architecture Office. His favorite project within the office is an unprized competition for the revitalization of the Podmokel area.


Architekt – NIMBUS/TING

Vedoucí architekt Nimbus Architects s.r.o.

Has over 30 years experience in the field of architecture and design, working on different levels of the design process, in both the private and public sector. Jitka has over 15 years practice in leading projects and as a conception architect, interior architect, landscape and greenery architect, has expertise in many types of buildings as e.g. office, housing, sport centres, hotels, spa, landscape, technology buildings including TV studios or factories, masterplans, metro, bridges, etc. Her experience covers also international experience like Design Assessment in India for Mott MacDonald in Chennai, or designing for clients in Europe and Azerbaijan.

Claudia schmidt

Architekt – Partner





Tomáš Kodet
Martina Jarošová
Jitka Dvorská
Tereza Cihlářová

Previous Coworkers

Michaela Krajčiová
Katarína Valičková
Jana Zicha
Claudia Schmidt
Veronika Vítková
Zuzana Kusková
Merisha Helibegovic Bayrakar
Andrea Hustecká

ting tiŋ ] is designation of an assembly – places of meeting, of ideas exchange, places where principal decisions are made.

Štěpán toman


Autorizovaný architekt ČKA 3459

Po absolvovaní V.Š.U.P. několik let pracoval v Londýnské kanceláři KPF, kde se mimo jiné podílel na projektu Danubee house v Praze, výškové budovy Shoreditch High street v Londýně a nebo na novém Londýnském ústředí firmy Unilever. Po návratu do Prahy zakotvil v architektonickém studiu AID, kde také pracoval na projektu filharmonie a kongresového centra ve Zlíně, nebo byl zodpovědný projekt nové fakulty humanitních studií Zlínské univerzity. V roce 2011 založil architektonickou kancelář Ting. Jeho oblíbený projekt v rámci kanceláře je nevyhraná soutěž na revitalizaci území Podmokel.

Claudia Schmidt


Diplomovaný architekt

Je absolventka Fakulty architektury Bauhaus Universität v německém Výmaru. Prefesní skušenosti sbírala mimo jiné v Pražském ateliéru Evy Jiřičné. Je spoluzakladatelka ateliéru Ting, matka dvou děti a kromě projekční cinnosti se věnuje výuce na Fakultě Architektury..